Interjú Zolnai Tamással

DSCF1809A hazai fejlesztőkkel már nem először készül interjú. Vajna Miklóssal, Nagy Róberttel korábban készültek interjúk, valamint a Novell gyakornoki programjában részt vevő két hallgatóval, Jenei Gáborral és Rabi Péterrel. Ezúttal az ösztöndíjasával,  Zolnai Tamással készített interjú olvasható.

“Interjú Zolnai Tamással” bővebben

LibreOffice at Free Software Conference 2011, Budapest

The Free Software Conference and Exhibition 2011 organized by Foundation was held today in Budapest. With more than 500 participants, it was the biggest free software event in Hungary this year. I think it was a great success, there were many good presentations in 4 tracks, and there was also a room for workshops.

Three Hungarian LibreOffice developers presented there. I had a keynote session about LibreOffice project and The Document Foundation in general. Emphasis was put on attracting new developers and the developer friendly ways of LibreOffice project. I also noted that TDF recommended professional L3 support contract to larger organizations who planned to use or were using LibreOffice. I borrowed a few slides and ideas from others, especially from Michael Meeks, so I thank him again for creating those slides. 🙂 Miklos Vajna presented his GSoC work on RTF filters. Unfortunately I could not attend, I had to be at localizers’ workshop at the same time. Laszlo Nemeth presented the longer version of his “Towards DTP” talk that he had in Paris, with even more slides and very nice examples. Also, 300 LibreOffice stickers were distributed, people could take them from the registration desk. A Hungarian LibreOffice rollup stood next to the registration desk, at a very visible place. It was a great event, and LibreOffice was well represented.

LibreOffice Hackfest Münchenben

2011. szeptember 2. és 4. között zajlik Münchenben a LibreOffice Hackfest 2011 elnevezésű rendezvény. A müncheni városháza Linuxra és migrálásáról híres LiMux irodájában kb. 30 LibreOffice-os ember, fejlesztők, designerek, marketingesek és egyéb érdeklődők fejlesztenek, beszélgetnek, kapcsolatokat építenek stb. Az Alapítvány jóvoltából (a vonatjegyet az fizette) két magyar fejlesztő, Tímár András és Vajna Miklós is kint van az eseményen. Szerencsére van ingyenes szálláslehetőség, a Netzwerk Caféban hálózsákban alszik kb. 10 résztvevő a kimerítő esti programok után. Érdemes lesz pár nap múlva megnézni, hogy milyen eredmények születtek a közös munka során, a Hackfest2011 honlapján minden fent lesz. donated a new Pootle server to TDF

In April, 2011 offered a Core 2 Quad server with 8GB RAM and 100GB disk and free Internet hosting to TDF. The parties agreed that the best utilization of this server would be the hosting of translation services (Pootle). After a few weeks of installing and testing, the server started to host Pootle yesterday.

While the VM Pootle was running in had been running stable since the last incident where VM did “freeze”, the dedicated server has enough RAM to hold the complete database in RAM, and thus does not rely on the host’s file-cache. Creation of database backup is also faster. Creating the files for download is still CPU bound and thus not affected by the amount of RAM. Last but not least this transition allows TDF to turn the old server into a playing ground again without having to worry about affecting productivity tools.

Many thanks to Christian Lohmaier (TDF) and Peter Mato ( who have helped a lot to set up the new server.


The Foundation for Promoting and Localizing Free Software in Hungary (“ Alapítvány a Szabad Szoftverek Magyarországi Népszerűsítéséért és Honosításáért”) was officially recognized by the Hungarian state as a foundation for the public good (“közhasznú alapítvány”) on January 27th, 2003. We use the moniker to signify our adherence to the principles of software freedom as articulated by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation.

DFD, LibreOffice 3.3.2, and Firefox 4 Release Party

Kalman “KAMI” Szalai – a Hungarian free software activist – organized an event called Document Freedom Day, LibreOffice 3.3.2 and Firefox 4 Release Party.

Date: 2011-03-30
Venue: Uránia Coffee House

  • 4 lighning talks – one about ODFA, two about LibreOffice and one about Firefox
  • cakes
  • socializing

Sponsors: Uránia Coffee House, Mozilla Europe,, ODFA Hungary

More info (in Hungarian) and more photos can be found at Mozilla Hungary Community Site.